Hi! I'm Dusty and welcome to my website! It's still under construction at the moment but hopefully not for long.
I'm mostly going to use it to talk about books that i've read and stories that I'm writing, including the worldbuilding surrounding them. I'm also interested in space/astronomy and linguistics so you might be able to find some of that on here!
Not at the moment though...for now it's empty.
11/07/23 - Ok I haven't been around for a while but I'm back now! I've made a failed attempt to make the site more mobile friendly.
27/08/22 - Updated the home page text and started creating the other pages
26/08/22 - Put links in the navigation menu and changed the links to buttons
25/08/22 - Created the update log, updated the colours and tidied up the layout
24/08/22 - Created this website and set up the layout!